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Missing You Mom

Closest and dearest, most cherished and flourished. None can compare, Mother, so rare. Our muse, our lover, so full of grace, Her touch, her smile, a warm embrace. She soothes our cries, dries every tear, Her strength and courage dispel all fear. Oh, Mother, priceless, angel above, Brimming with cheer, kindness, and love. Guardian of mine, life's art you made, Through trials and storms, you never swayed. When darkness loomed and hope seemed thin, You understood, you let the light in. Mother, goddess, source of delight, Bringer of life's most radiant light. Not just a homemaker, but my best friend, With you, all troubles seem to end. Each day I think of you, tender and kind, Your compassion, beyond what words can define. For me, you nurtured and shielded with care, Through every trial, you were always there. In 2012, fate dealt its blow, An illness came, your strength laid low. Hospital beds, a harsh, cold place, Misfortune struck, and we lost your grace. Unending te