Report Writing Sample [For BHSEC, Class XII]

Report Writing Sample [For BHSEC (Bhutan Higher Secondary Education Certificate), Class XII]

Question [10 marks]

Rinchending, College of Science and Technology is celebrating the Golden Jubilee (50 years) of its foundation, and important officials and personalities have been invited for the celebration 

You, Sonam a reporter working for Kuensel, have been assigned to cover the event. Write a report of about 150-200 words for your newspaper.

Reported by: Sonam, Kuensel | Chukha

The celebration of Golden Jubilee (50 years) of 'College of Science and Technology' Rinchinding, Chukha Dzongkhag was held on Friday (8th October, 2021). The programme started from 8:00 am and ended at 2:30 pm at the college auditorium in the presence of Dasho Dzongdag, Thrompoen, Dzongrap, Drangpoen, Principal of various schools, other supporting staffs and Education Minister, His Excellency J.B. Rai as a chief guest for the event. During this event, prizes were distributed to all the learners who performed excellently in their examinations and the award for best student of the year. Some cultural items too were presented for entertainment.

On this very day, His Excellency, Sherig Loenpo J.B. Rai mentioned that examinations are there to prepare learners for the future in which undergraduate present at this stage, is about to enter in the market to serve nation at the level of different perspectives with different means of occupation. Further, he also articulated that the future of our country rests on the shoulders of every individual of us.

He congratulated to all the learners who received the prizes and encourages to those who did not perform well that they are no less than others. If they give their best and do things smartly, they will shine one day. A total of 16 learners from different categories and 2 students (one male and one female for best student of the year) received cash prizes.

At last, the programme was ended by President Cheki Dorji's thanks giving speech in which he stated that the learners of College have been doing great and urged them to carry on. He also requested all the lecturers to keep putting the same effort for days to come.


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