
My difficulty in ENV102 module regarding calculation in Chapter 4 [Reflection writing]

My difficulty in ENV102 module regarding calculation in Chapter 4          When I was introduced with the ENV102 module for the first time in the class, I faced difficulty such as I could not connect the concept of population theory with the present day. In general, I had trouble in the ENV102 module's chapter four, "Basic Measures of Population Growth" (calculation for Arithmetic Growth, Geometric Growth and Exponential Growth), in three areas such as formula interpretation, its parameters of application and the differences among them.           Firstly, when our lecturer presented chapter 4 of the ENV102 module, titled "Basic Measures of Population, " in class using the three formulae of arithmetic growth, geometric growth and exponential growth, I was startled and unable to understand what was being discussed. Our instructor just stated the formulae without explaining their context. For instance, Pt2=Pt1(1+rt) was the formula for arithmetic growth. I was perp

Personal Essay [For Scholarship]

Personal Essay [Sample for Scholarship] One of the quotation by anonymous literature writer articulated, "Past is a waste paper. Present is a newspaper. Future is a question paper, so read and write carefully otherwise you will be like a tissue paper." On this note, I Sonam Wangchuk Sherpa, a class twelve passed-out science student from Kuendrup Higher Secondary School, Gelephu Thomde, Sarpang Bhutan, would like to mention a personal essay to explain my ambition and studies, the rationale behind choosing this course and to request an assistance for my studies under Loden Foundation. After I graduated from Higher School, I became certain that if I wanted to pursue further studies, I needed to be persistent and determined to achieve my career aspirations. However, I would not be at this level in my education without two sisters' support, inconceivable love and care. My mother had expired in 2011, when I was just about to turned 12 years old. It was my one of the traumatic e

Missing You Mom

Closest and dearest, most cherished and flourished. None can compare, Mother, so rare. Our muse, our lover, so full of grace, Her touch, her smile, a warm embrace. She soothes our cries, dries every tear, Her strength and courage dispel all fear. Oh, Mother, priceless, angel above, Brimming with cheer, kindness, and love. Guardian of mine, life's art you made, Through trials and storms, you never swayed. When darkness loomed and hope seemed thin, You understood, you let the light in. Mother, goddess, source of delight, Bringer of life's most radiant light. Not just a homemaker, but my best friend, With you, all troubles seem to end. Each day I think of you, tender and kind, Your compassion, beyond what words can define. For me, you nurtured and shielded with care, Through every trial, you were always there. In 2012, fate dealt its blow, An illness came, your strength laid low. Hospital beds, a harsh, cold place, Misfortune struck, and we lost your grace. Unending te

Report Writing Sample [For BHSEC, Class XII]

Report Writing Sample [For BHSEC (Bhutan Higher Secondary Education Certificate), Class XII] Question [10 marks] Rinchending, College of Science and Technology is celebrating the Golden Jubilee (50 years) of its foundation, and important officials and personalities have been invited for the celebration  You, Sonam a reporter working for Kuensel, have been assigned to cover the event. Write a report of about 150-200 words for your newspaper. GOLDEN JUBILEE CELEBRATION: CST Reported by: Sonam, Kuensel | Chukha The celebration of Golden Jubilee (50 years) of 'College of Science and Technology' Rinchinding, Chukha Dzongkhag was held on Friday (8th October, 2021). The programme started from 8:00 am and ended at 2:30 pm at the college auditorium in the presence of Dasho Dzongdag, Thrompoen, Dzongrap, Drangpoen, Principal of various schools, other supporting staffs and Education Minister, His Excellency J.B. Rai as a chief guest for the event. During this event, prizes wer

Standard Letter Writing Sample [BHSEC]

Standard Letter Writing Sample [For BHSEC, English 1 (Class XII)] Question [10 marks] You are Sonam Wangchuk Sherpa from Sarpang Bhutan, Studying at Kuendrup Higher Secondary School in class XII. You are about to leave for a long month winter break, completing your BHSEC exam. Write a letter to Dasho Dzongdag, requesting for temporary jobs during the winter break. To The Dasho Dzongdag  Dzongkhag administration Sarpang 25th November, 2021 Sub: Application for Temporary Job Honorable Dasho, With due respect and humble submission, I Sonam Wangchuk Sherpa a fresh class XII graduate of Kuendrup Higher Secondary School would like to lay down a few lines under your kind consideration, please. For your kind information Dasho, I have recently completed my class XII Board Examinations and am on month long winter break. Since I am from poor economic background, my parents are facing problems to meet expenses on my education. After the declaration of my class XII result, I want to pursue my highe

Memo Writing Sample [For BHSEC]

Memo Writing Sample [BHSEC (Bhutan Higher Secondary Education Certificate), English 1] Question [10 marks] You are the principal of Kuendrup Higher Secondary School - Gelephu Thromde, Sarpang Bhutan. You have observed that the students and teachers of the school are not taking remedial class, very seriously. Write a memo to all the teachers and students informing them to take it seriously. Memo To          : Teachers and Students  From     : Principal  Date      : 24th October, 2021   Subject : Remedial Class               : It is been observed that over the few days, the conduct of remedial is not going smoothly. Teachers and students are not taking it seriously. The remedial classes, mainly planned to the weaker students to boost their academic performance.               : The conduct of remedial classes has been endorsed in the 4th monthly, review meeting held on 15th August, 2021 by the floor. Everybody in the meeting agreed to it.               : Hence forth, people concerned must

Dzongkha Essay Sample

Dzongkha Essay  [Sample for BHSEC (རྩོད་གླེང་འབྲི་རྩོམ)] རྗོང་ཁ་དང་པ། དྲི་བ། འོག་གི་དོན་ཚན་ཡོད་མི་ལས་  གཅིག་གདམ་ཁ་རྐྱབ་སྟེ་  དགག་སྒྲུབ་ཀྱི་ཐོག་ལས་ རྩོད་གླེང་འབྲི་རྩོམ་  ཚིག་འབྲུ་ ༤༠༠--༤༥༠ གི་ནང་འཁོད་འབད་མི་  ཅིག་བྲིས། ཀ༽ འབྲུག་གཞུང་གིས་  ད་རེས་ནངས་པ་  རྗས་ངན་ཏམ་ཁུའི་  རིགས་ཚུ་  ནང་འདྲེན་དང་བཙོང་ཆོག་པའི་  ལམ་ལུགས་བཟོ་མི་  འདི་ལས་བརྟེན་  རྒྱལ་ཁབ་ནང་ ནད་ཡམས་ཀོ་བིཊ་ ༡༩ ཁྱབ་སྤེལ་དང་བཀག་འཛིན་  འབད་ཐབས་ལུ་  ཐབས་ཤེས་ལེགས་ཤོམ་ཅིག་ཨིན།                                        ༼འབྲི་ཐངས་ཀྱི་ དཔེར་བརྗོད།།༽ ༉       རྒྱལ་ཀུན་ཐུགས་རྗེ་གཅིག་འདུས་མཐོ་སྟོབས་ཅན།། མ་རུང་འདྲེ་སྲིན་ཐམས་ཅན་དབང་དུ་འདུས།། ད་ལྟ་སྲིན་ཡུལ་རྒྱལ་པོའི་ཚུལ་མཛད་པ།། ཨོ་རྒྱན་པད་འབྱུང་ཁྱེད་ལ་ལན་བརྒྱར་བསྔགས།།  ཞེས་ཨོ་རྒྱན་པད་མ་འབྱུང་གནས་ལུ་  མཆོད་པའི་རྗས་གཏོར་ཏེ་  ད་རེས་ང་གིས་  འབྲུག་གཞུང་གིས་  ད་རེས་ནངས་པ་རྗས་ངན་ཏམ་ཁུའི་  རིགས་ཚུ་  ནང་འདྲེན་དང་བཙོང་ཆོག་པའི་  ལམ་ལུགས་བཟོ་མི་འདི་ལས་བརྟེན་  རྒྱལ་ཁབ་ནང་  ནད་ཡམས་ཀོ་བིཊ་ ༡༩ ཁྱབ་སྤེལ་དང་བཀག་འཛིན་  འབད་ཐབས་ལུ་  ཐབས་ཤེས་ལེགས་ཤོམ་ཅིག་ཨིན་  ཟེར་བའི་དོན་ཚན་ཐོག་ལུ་  རྩོད་གླེང་འབྲི་རྩོམ་ཚིག་འབྲུ་ ༤༥༠ ད